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FERPA for Faculty and Staff

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) protects the privacy of student education records. As college employees, all faculty and staff must understand and abide by the rules governing access to and privacy of student records. Faculty and staff should review the FERPA annual notification and related information to familiarize themselves with the basic requirements of FERPA.  

In accordance with FERPA, student education records are made available to faculty and staff members who have a need to know (legitimate educational interest) when fulfilling their official responsibilities at Smith College. Such educational records are considered confidential and released on the condition that they will be used for a specified educational purpose and that officials will not permit third party access to the information without the written consent of the student involved.

Additional Resources

Workday Resources

Workday Academic Requirement Override Guide

Workday help materials with screen shots for faculty can be found on the Workday Help site.

Grade Deadline

The deadline for submission of fall 2024 final grades is 12 p.m. (noon) on Monday, January 6 for all students.

All grades should be submitted online through Workday. Note that grades may not be submitted via the Workday mobile app (i.e., on your phone). 

  1. Log into Workday. On your homepage, select the Teaching application. 

  2. Under the Teaching heading, select Assign Final Grades. (You may need to expand the menu by selecting More.)

  3. Select the Student Course Section prompt to open a drop-down menu. 

  4. Select My Assigned Course Sections and then the appropriate academic period (e.g., 2024 Fall Semester). 

  5. Select the course for which you would like to assign final grades, then select OK to open your grading roster for that course.

  6. From the Final Grade drop-down list, select the appropriate grade for the student. Please review the entire roster to ensure a grade has been entered for each eligible student. Class year now displays on the Workday final grade roster, so you can more easily identify seniors; graduate and Five College students generally have no class year indicated. 

  7. When complete, click Submit, then check the Confirm checkbox and select OK. This step is required for your grades to be submitted to the registrar’s office! 

After submitting grades, you will receive a Workday alert and email indicating successful submission. Grades that are entered but not submitted properly may be processed administratively by the registrar’s office after the grade deadline.  

Detailed instructions for submitting grades are available on the Workday Help site. 

Acceptable Smith College grades are A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, E, S and U. An E is used to indicate a failure, and no grade higher than an A will be recorded. If your course has mandatory S/U grading or a student opted for S/U grading, the final grade options will be S or U only. A grade of S is equivalent to a C- or higher. Additional information may be found in the Faculty Code, available on the provost/dean of the faculty website.  

Grades of D, E, or U

Instructors are required to submit explanations of grades of D+/-, E or U for all students. When recording your grades via Workday, the Grade Note field will appear next to the Final Grade field grade when required. This information will be shared with the class deans’ office.  

Instructors may extend the deadline for final papers or projects to no later than the end of the examination period. If a student fails to submit their work by the due date set by the instructor and has not been granted an extension, a failing grade should be recorded for the missing work and a course grade submitted on that basis. Incomplete grades are not acceptable. A student who requests an extension beyond this date should be sent to their class dean. Only a class dean may authorize an extension beyond the end of the final examination period (Wednesday, December 18, 3 p.m.). Note that extensions are limited to final assignments/projects only.

You will be notified by the class dean of any student who has been granted permission to take a make-up examination. If a student fails to take an examination by the date set by the class dean, and you have received no confirmation of an extension from the class dean, you should enter a failing grade for the examination and calculate a course grade on that basis.

Please see the Grade Changes and Edits section below for information on submitting a final grade for a student who received an extension.

Once you submit your grades, a faded checkbox will appear in the In Progress column on the course section roster, and you will not be able to modify grades. If you need to revise submitted grades during the grading period, please contact me (; I can return the roster to you. (Response time will be delayed over the winter break, however.) In Progress grades will not be posted (i.e., made available to students) before the afternoon of January 6.

Once grades (excluding extensions) have been posted by the registrar’s office, they may only be changed with approval of the Dean of the College or Administrative Board. Grade changes may be requested directly through Workday. Detailed instructions for changing a final grade via Workday are available in Workday Help by searching Change Final Grade. This policy also applies to Five College students taking Smith courses.

To submit a final grade for a student who has received an extension (X), please follow the instructions for Change Final Grade (Including Extensions).

If you do not submit a final grade for a student who appears on your class list, the registrar’s office will record the blank grade as missing (M), unless the student’s class dean has authorized an official extension. Missing grades are calculated as failures when determining a student's grade point average. If not resolved by the end of the following semester, that grade will be converted to a failing grade (E) on the student’s transcript. (Missing grades for graduating seniors must be resolved prior to Commencement.)

If a student’s name appears on your list, but they never attended the class or stopped attending, please report a failing grade (E) for that student. Once the student resolves any registration problems, they can petition the Academic Board to have the failing grade removed from their record.

Course & Classroom Scheduling

The registrar's office is responsible for assigning all courses and sections to classrooms. During the early registration period, our scheduling coordinator will survey all instructors about their space needs and preferences. Room assignments are based on registration figures, enrollment limits, technology needs and, if possible, instructor preferences.

Day Time Schedule (102.43 KB)

View Classrooms >

Equipment Help

To report a problem with projectors, computers, or other electronic equipment, or to arrange for special classroom equipment needs, contact Educational Technology Services.

Report a Problem or Offer a Suggestion

The Classroom Committee reviews and monitors the use and conditions of all general-purpose classrooms that are scheduled by the registrar's office. The committee has an annual budget for classroom repairs and furnishing replacements and solicits notifications of problems in campus classrooms.

Please use the form below to offer a suggestion on how we may improve a classroom. You may report any facilities-related classroom problems by submitting a work request here.

Enrollment Counts

Official enrollment counts are as of October 1 of each academic year.

Current Counts

Division I: Humanities
Department Major(s) Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
AFR Africana Studies 3 7 8
ART Art: Architecture & Urbanism 7 9 1
Art: History 12 16 13
Art: Studio 22 16 18
CLS Classical Studies 4 4 5
Classics 1 0 1
DAN Dance 5 4 6
EAL East Asian Languages & Cultures 6 10 17
ENG English Language & Literature 40 45 46
FRN French Studies 7 11 14
GIT German Studies 4 1 3
Italian Studies 1 6 5
HST History 10 20 23
MUS Music 2 6 6
PHI Philosophy 8 9 11
REL Religion 8 6 4
SPP Portuguese-Brazilian Studies 2 3 4
Spanish 17 12 11
THE Theatre 13 6 11
WLT Comparative World Literatures 7 0  
World Literatures 0 5 5
  188 196 212
Division II: Social Sciences
Department Major(s) Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
ANT Anthropology 25 17 11
ECO Economics 18 13 19
Quantitative Economics 24 32 25
EDC Education & Child Study 18 28 24
GOV Government 75 60 48
SOC Sociology 26 29 21
  186 179 148
Division III: Natural Sciences
Department Major(s) Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
AST Astronomy 9 8 6
BCH Biochemistry 20 19 16
BIO Biological Sciences 47 45 47
CHM Chemistry 14 14 25
CSC Computer Science 40 41 41
EGR Engineering Arts 3 5 2
Engineering Science 35 24 41
GEO Geosciences 15 8 9
MTH Mathematical Statistics 0 3 8
Mathematics 30 23 20
NSC Neuroscience 23 29 25
PHY Physics 12 8 9
PSY Psychology 44 80 77
  292 307 326
Division IV: Interdivisional
Department Major(s) Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
AMS American Studies 12 8 11
EAS East Asian Studies 1 0  
ENV Environmental Science & Policy 26 21 17
FMS Film & Media Studies 14 16 15
JUD Jewish Studies 1 4 4
LAS Latin American Studies 4 5 4
MED Medieval Studies 1 1 3
MES Middle East Studies 2 3 6
RES Russian, East European, Eurasian Studies 3 8 7
SDS Statistical & Data Sciences 38 62 42
SED Student-Designed Programs 6 11 6
SWG Study of Women & Gender 15 32  
SWG Study of Women, Gender, & Sexuality     19
  123 171 134
Percent of Majors by Division
Division Statistic Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
Division I: Humanities Count of Majors 188 196 212
% of Total Majors 24% 23% 26%
Count of Students 166 180 192
Division II: Social Science Count of Majors 186 179 148
% of Total Majors 24% 21% 18%
Count of Students 175 172 139
Division III: Natural Science Count of Majors 292 307 326
% of Total Majors 37% 36% 40%
Count of Students 270 278 296
Division IV: Interdivisional Count of Majors 123 171 134
% of Total Majors 16% 20% 16%
Count of Students 117 164 129
Total Majors Count of Majors 789 853 820
% of Total Majors 100% 100% 100%
Count of Students 596 619 620

Division I: Humanities
Department Minor(s) Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
AFR Africana Studies 3 0 2
ART Art: Architecture & Urbanism 2 0 0
Art: History 0 3 1
Art: Studio 2 5 8
CLS Classics 0 0 1
Latin 1 0 1
DAN Dance 1 2 3
EAL East Asian Languages & Cultures 9 8 5
East Asian Languages & Literatures 2 0 0
ENG English Language & Literature 1 8 3
GIT German Studies 1 1 2
Italian Studies 4 3 5
HST History 1 6 3
MES Arabic 4 1 5
MUS Music 1 3 1
PHI Philosophy 1 6 5
REL Religion 3 6 3
SPP Spanish 16 9 7
Portuguese-Brazilian Studies 0 0 1
THE Theatre 2 2 0
WLT World Literatures 0 1 0
Division Totals 54 66 56
Division II: Social Sciences
Department Minor(s) Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
ECO Economics 10 13 5
EDC Education & Child Study 7 12 11
GOV Government 13 10 9
SOC Sociology 4 14 6
Division Totals 34 49 31
Division III: Natural Sciences
Department Minor(s) Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
AST Astronomy 1 2 2
Astrophysics 1 0 0
BIO Biological Sciences 9 4 2
CHM Chemistry 18 12 14
CSC Computer Science 6 8 11
Digital Art 0 0 1
EGR Engineering Science 6 8 3
ESS Exercise & Sport Studies 9 5 10
GEO Geosciences 2 3 1
MSC Marine Science & Policy 2 7 4
MTH Mathematics 2 6 6
NSC Neuroscience 0 6 3
PHY Physics 0 2 2
PSY Psychology 8 13 9
Division Totals 59 69 68
Division IV: Interdivisional
Department Minor(s) Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
AFS African Studies 1 2 0
ANS Ancient Studies 1 0 0
ARC Archaeology  3 5 3
ATC Arts & Technology 2 1 4
BUS Buddhist Studies 1 1 1
EAS East Asian Studies 1 1 0
ENV Environmental Science & Policy 5 3 7
ETH Ethics 1 2 3
FMS Film & Media Studies 6 5 6
GSD Global South Development Studies 1 1 0
HST History of Science & Technology 0 0 1
JUD Jewish Studies 1 0 2
LAS Latino/a Studies 1 4 2
LOG Logic 5 0 0
LSS Landscape Studies 13 6 12
MED Medieval Studies 4 0 4
MES Middle East Studies 3 1 1
RES Russian, East European, Eurasian Studies 0 1 1
SDS Applied Statistics 11 4 6
Statistical & Data Sciences 18 9 7
SWG Study of Women & Gender 10 6 0
Study of Women, Gender, & Sexuality 0 0 12
Division Totals 89 55 75
Percent of Minors by Division
Division Statistic Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
Division I: Humanities Count of Students/Minors 54 66 56
% of Total  23% 28% 24%
Division II: Social Science Count of Students/Minors 34 49 31
% of Total  14% 21% 13%
Division III: Natural Science Count of Students/Minors 59 69 68
% of Total  25% 29% 30%
Division IV: Interdivisional Count of Students/Minors 89 55 75
% of Total  38% 23% 33%
Total Minors Count of Students/Minors 236 239 230
% of Total  100% 100% 100%
Five College Certificates
Certificate Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
Asian/Pacific/American Studies 0 0 2
Culture, Health & Science 2 4 5
Ethnomusicology 0 0 2
International Relations 1 0 0
Queer, Trans, and Sexuality Studies 0 0 1
Reproductive Health Rights & Justice 2 3 1
Total Certificates 5 7 11

Concentration Graduated 2022 Graduated 2023 Graduated 2024
Archives 8 6 6
Book Studies 12 2 6
Collaborative Innovation 0 0 2
Community Engagement & Social Change 4 10 17
Environmental 0 4 2
Environmental: Climate Change 4 0 0
Environmental: Sustainable Food 3 0 0
Global Finance 5 7 5
Journalism 0 0 2
Museums 7 6 8
Poetry 7 6 9
Translation Studies 10 10 6
Total Concentrations 60 52 63

Division I: Humanities
Department Major(s) Academic Year
Academic Year 2022–23 Academic Year 2023–24 Academic Year 2024–25
AFR Africana Studies 10 17 14 10
ART Art: Architecture & Urbanism 16 11 10 21
Art: History 25 27 26 33
Art: Studio 36 30 35 35
CLS Classical Studies 7 6 8 8
Classics 2 2 2 1
DAN Dance 9 8 13 7
EAL East Asian Languages and Cultures 13 27 34 25
ENG English Language and Literature 83 90 91 95
FRN French Studies 16 15 24 20
GIT German Studies 4 4 7 7
Italian Studies 7 11 8 9
HST History 37 42 51 60
MUS Music 8 11 13 15
PHI Philosophy 17 19 18 16
REL Religion 11 6 7 10
SPP Portuguese-Brazilian Studies 5 4 4 4
SPP Spanish 32 23 19 23
THE Theatre 23 19 24 26
WLT Comparative World Literatures 12 0 0 0
World Literatures 1 12 13 12
Division Total 374 384 421 437
Division II: Social Sciences
Department Major(s) Academic Year
Academic Year 2022–23 Academic Year 2023–24 Academic Year 2024–25
ANT Anthropology 44 26 29 40
ECO Economics 42 37 39 37
Quantitative Economics 44 52 57 64
EDC Education and Child Study 40 52 46 42
GOV Government 132 104 98 115
SOC Sociology 55 46 36 35
Division Total 357 317 305 333
Division III: Natural Sciences
Department Major(s) Academic Year
Academic Year 2022–23 Academic Year 2023–24 Academic Year 2024–25
AST Astronomy 14 12 12 15
BCH Biochemistry 38 36 33 38
BIO Biological Sciences 90 94 83 83
CHM Chemistry 27 38 53 45
CSC Computer Science 79 84 116 120
EGR Engineering Arts 7 5 1 0
Engineering Science 61 67 70 56
GEO Geosciences 23 17 30 34
MTH Mathematical Statistics 0 7 22 21
Mathematics 51 40 39 45
NSC Neuroscience 51 55 56 67
PHY Physics 17 16 26 23
PSY Psychology 114 154 125 114
Division Total 572 625 666 661
Division IV: Interdivisional
Department Major(s) Academic Year
Academic Year 2022–23 Academic Year 2023–24 Academic Year 2024–25
AMS American Studies 20 16 20 19
EAS East Asian Studies 5      
ENV Environmental Science & Policy 45 37 47 48
FMS Film and Media Studies 29 29 29 29
JUD Jewish Studies 2 7 9 8
LAS Latin American Studies 8 8 8 8
MED Medieval Studies 3 4 7 5
MES Middle East Studies 5 7 9 8
RES Russian, East European, Eurasian Studies 9 13 14 12
SDS Statistical and Data Sciences 89 99 89 93
SED Student Designed Program 13 14 7 4
SWG Study of Women and Gender 45 51 40 0
Study of Women, Gender, & Sexuality 0 0 0 42
Division Total 273 285 279 276
Percent of Majors by Division
Division Statistic Academic Year
Academic Year 2022–23 Academic Year 2023–24 Academic Year 2024–25
Division I: Humanities % of Total 24% 24% 25% 26%
Count of Majors 374 384 421 437
Division II: Social Science % of Total 23% 20% 18% 20%
Count of Majors 357 317 305 333
Division III: Natural Science % of Total 36% 39% 40% 39%
Count of Majors 572 625 666 661
Division IV: Interdivisional % of Total 17% 18% 17% 16%
Count of Majors 273 285 279 276
Grand Total % of Total 100% 100% 100% 100%
Count of Majors 1576 1611 1671 1707

Graduation & Retention Rates

In accordance with the Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act, the average graduation rate as of 2022 for students who enter Smith College as first-year students is 89%. The period covered is equal to 150% of the normal time for graduation.

Smith's retention rate for first-time full time students entering in fall 2021 was 91%.